
24-hour hospital services

  • One-time help (detox) for mild intoxication or withdrawal with pills and IV solutions while in hospital for up to 2 and 12 hours - from 110 / 140 EUR
  • Treatment of alcohol intoxication in the general ward (24 and more hours) - from 190 EUR
  • Treatment of alcohol intoxication in a separate ward  (24 and more hours) - from 270 EUR
  • Treatment of withdrawal syndrome of narcotic and psychotropic substances (Drug test not included in the price) - 270 EUR (per 24 hours)

  • Doctor narcologist, psychiatrist, child psychiatrist consultation - 60 - 80 EUR
  • Doctor-specialist consultation - 60 - 80 EUR
  • Codependent counseling - 60 - 80 EUR
  • Supportive therapy using psychotherapy and sensitizing drugs
  • Outpatient drug and psychotropic substances test - 60 EUR
  • Treatment of panic attacks and anxiety on an outpatient and inpatient basis
  • Nutrition infusion therapy - 55 EUR

  • Calling a narcologist - psychiatrist to your home throughout Latvia - negotiated price - call +371 29164909

The procedure of getting a sick-list

The Lasa Med center has authority to issue an official sick leave sheet (darbnespējas lapa) in a state-approved format for the clients who have been treated in the in-patient department for at least 1 day. The sick leave sheet is drawn up in compliance with all statutes of the Latvian Republic law.

The nourishment in Lasa Med

The nourishment in the Lasa Med center is varied and of a high quality. The patient, as well as the relatives that stay in the clinic with him, can order food at any time they need.

We help people with the following problems:

  • Excessive use of alcohol, narcotic substances, psychotropic drugs, nicotine;
  • Problems with addiction in loved ones;
  • A state of depression;
  • Burnout syndrome;
  • Sleep, memory, mood disorders or changes after COVID-19, neuro incidents, trauma, etc.
  • Sleep disorders;
  • State of apathy, chronic fatigue;
  • Psychosomatic disorders;
  • Panic attacks, vegetative paroxysms;

Day hospital

  • Comprehensive diagnostics;
  • Development of a further treatment plan;
  • Express detoxification;
  • Symptomatic therapy;
  • A course of anti-stress therapy for neurotic disorders, vegetative dystonia syndrome, burnout syndrome, depressive states;
  • Vitamin therapy (recovery course)