The end (third) stage of alcoholism

At this stage pronounced signs of body devastation appear. The tolerance to alcohol is drastically reduced, a small amount of alcohol is now enough to cause intoxication. The patient constantly needs the new dose, to get one he is ready to demean himself and beg. Sober days happen only when the patient is physically unable to obtain any alcohol. Mental disturbance can lead to the development of psychoses, among which the most common is alcohol delirium (delirium tremens), which develops after several days of alcohol withdrawal and sometimes has a continuous course.

Delirium in Latin means insanity or mental confusion which is descriptive of such patients' condition, in which disturbance of consciousness takes place accompanied by terrible visual and auditory hallucinations. The person becomes a heavy burden for the close ones.

The imminent result of constant alcohol intoxication is deep lesions of the nervous and other systems and internal organs. Dementia, cardiac and vascular diseases, pneumosclerosis, chronic gastritis, liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, renal failure are inevitable companions of severe alcohol dependence.